810 Nanometer Wavelength Health Effects Cheatsheet

Welcome to the blog post on the effects of the 808 nanometers (nm) and 810nm red light therapy. These wavelengths are located very close together. 

But let's first take a step back. From a physics standpoint, all light has wavelengths. Blue light, for instance, can be found between 400 and 500 nanometers, depending on who you ask. Today I'll talk about near-infrared light and two wavelengths precisely: 808 and 810nm light.

All wavelengths have different effects. In the blog I wrote about blue light therapy, for instance, you'll find blue light can help with skin conditions, mood, sleep, dental health, and more. This log is similar about 808/810nm light and wavelengths around them.


Well, many people using red light therapy or thinking about using it ask me "what benefits does 810nm have" or "what effects can I expect from 808nm red light therapy?" So I decided to compile all the effects of these wavelengths, both benefits and downsides

For this blog post, I've gone through almost 1,000 studies and categorized all of them according to their evidence. 

You can view the summary of that cheatsheet below. I've also added a summary of the outcomes of the most important human and animal research. 

During this process, I divided all evidence into 1) human; 2) animal; 3) in vitro and ex vivo research. The latter you can understand as lab research that you'd do in chemistry class in high school.

Now, what's important here is that most weight is given to human research. Usually, medicine strongly favors human research because its outcomes are easier to generalize to us humans. With animal research, such as on rats or mice, positive or negative results don't always translate into similar outcomes in humans. Nevertheless, lessons can often be learned and a link between the outcome and physiological implications can be found.

About 900 studies were included in this process on wavelengths between 805 and 815 nm. I've chosen for that interval of 10nm between 805 and 815 for two reasons: 1) it's likely that wavelengths such as 808 and 810nm have very similar effects; 2) in red light therapy products, light is rarely emitted extremely precisely around just one wavelength - Alex, therefore, tests whether companies have their LEDs put out light with a 5nm difference below and above the marketed wavelength.

Arguably, the 830nm wavelength has different effects from the 810nm wavelength, although not every researcher agrees. Therefore, I've added some advanced comments on these outcomes at the end of this article. I'm fully aware the average person doesn't care much about the philosophical discussions about interpreting medical science - the average person wants to merely know the red light therapy benefits that exist

Also, a massive shoutout to Vladimir Heiskanen for making it possible to create this cheat sheet. I've used Vladimir's datasheet on 7,000+ red light therapy studies as the basis of my work here. Without Vladimir's work, creating this cheat sheet would have taken way more time, and I'd probably never begun working on it.

When you see the cheatsheet below, all studies are categorized according to strong evidence (3+ studies with 65%+ positive outcomes, neutral (in between), and negative (3+ studies with 65% negative outcomes). Again, if you'd like to learn more about these choices, read the advanced comments section at the end of this article.

Below you'll find a summary with the most critical outcomes of mainly the 808/810 wavelengths (range 805 -815nm as I presume their effects overlap).

Each study is numbered from #1 - #899. For each study, the wavelength in nanometers is added. You can click that link to end up with the study in your browser. I've also added information on whether the outcome is positive, negative, or neutral, and whether it's a human, animal, or "in vitro" (lab-based study) for each numbered study.

Also, if it's all too complicated for you, I apologize.

I've tried to tell the whole story regarding the benefits of these wavelengths without oversimplifying. If you're overwhelmed, just read the section on the benefits in humans that have strong evidence, you'll get the basics. And for nerds, there's a lot more data they may love.

Next up, fasten your seatbelts as here we go:


Summary And Table Of Contents:

Strong Evidence For Health Benefits: 3+ Human Studies With 65%+ Positive Outcomes:

  • For the brain, Alzheimer's Disease, opioid addiction, brain injuries such as traumatic brain injury, and depression.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Arterial restenosis (narrowing of blood vessel after a stent in an artery).
  • Dermatitis (skin inflammation) after radiation exposure.
  • COVID-19 infection recovery.
  • Generalized health improvements after exercise and muscle spasms.
  • Bell's Palsy in the nervous system (inability to control facial muscles around the mouth).
  • Many oral health benefits. Benefits are found for mouth ulcers, hypersensitivity of the teeth, postoperative symptoms after oral surgery, the ability to chew, the nerve in your chin, inflammation of the mouth and cheeks, pain during orthodontics, and pain of the tissues around teeth after surgery.
  • Back pain.
  • Wound healing after clinical-grade burns (such as second and third-degree burning stages).

Some Evidence: 1-2 Human Studies Either 100% Positive Or 50-50% Positive/Neutral:

  • A list of 59 benefits that's too long to summarize here. All these benefits either need more research for confirming the benefit is real. With more positive studies, these benefits will move to the "strong evidence" section in the future.

Insufficient Or Neutral Or Conflicting Evidence - Therefore Not Be Included In The Other Categories Of Human Evidence:

  • A list of 47 outcomes in total that are too long to summarize here. Current evidence is that 805-815nm light has no effect on these benefits or that more research is needed to clarify the outcomes.

Strong Evidence For Health Harm: 3+ Human Studies With 65%+ Negative Outcomes

  • Stroke in the brain. (note: does not cause a stroke. If you want to know the implications and context then read the studies that are cited)
  •  Muscle Fatigue
  • Root resporption of teeth, when there is damage to a tooth

Stong Animal Study Evidence: 3+ Animal Studies Available And 65%+ Positive

  • These results need to be proven in humans to be sure there is an effect
  • Arthritis
  • Bone repair, health with implants, and aging.
  • Epilepsy
  • Exercise
  • Hearing loss
  • Muscle injuries
  • Sciatic nerve injury, which is a nerve going from the spinal cord to your legs, through the lower back.
  • Oral health, jaw expansion in orthodontics, the tissues around the teeth such as gums, salivary glands (that create the saliva in your mouth, and the reinsertion of teeth through surgery.
  • Neuropathic pain (better known as nerve pain).
  • Different lung injuries, such as from blood poisoning and other toxins (LPS).
  • Wound healing for burns, diabetes, and cuts (such as excising during surgery)

Insufficient Or Neutral Or Conflicting Animal-Based Evidence - More Research Needed

  • A list of 76 potential benefits that's too long to summarize here. More animal research will show whether there is strong evidence for these potential benefits or not.

Animal-Based Evidence For Health Harm: 3+ Studies With 65% Or More Negative Outcomes

In Vitro Studies

If you'd like to learn more about my thought process about my choices, read my advanced comment section.

I've also created a section with the best panels with 808/810nm light outputs.

Finally, there's the conclusion.


805-815nm Human Evidence Outcomes (Mostly The 808 & 810nm Wavelengths)

Obviously, human studies are by far the most valuable in this process. If you focus on only one section, check the benefits listed here. And make sure to consider both the positive and negative outcomes - both are proven effects.

For the neutral/conflicting section, you'll have to check why the outcome is as is. Sometimes there are a roughly equal number of positive and negative outcomes. Sometimes there is simply not enough evidence.

Here we go:


Strong Evidence For Health Benefits: 3+ Human Studies With 65%+ Positive Outcomes

Brain, Alzheimer's Disease - (65, 800-820, neutral, human RCT), (66, 810, positive, human), (67, 808 vs 1064 vs 808+1064, positive, in vitro), (68, 808, positive, in vitro), (69, 808, positive, animal), (70, 810, positive, human), (71, 630+680+810, positive, animal), (72, 630+810, positive, human), (73, 810, positive human RCT), (74, 810, positive, human), (74, 808, positive, animal), (75, 808, positive, animal), (76, 808, positive, animal).

Brain, Opioid Addiction - (59, 810, positive, human RCT), (60, 810, positive, human RCT), (61, 810, positive, human RCT).

Brain, Injury - (80, 810, positive, human RCT), (81, 808, animal, positive), (82, 808, positive, animal), (83, 810, positive, animal), (84, 810, positive, animal), (85, 810+980 vs 810, positive, human), (86, 810+980, positive, human), (87, 810, positive, animal), (88, 810, positive, animal), (89, 808, positive, animal), (90, 810, positive, animal), (91, 808, positive, animal).

Brain, Depression - (100, 810, positive, animal), (101, 810, positive, animal), (102, 810+830, positive, human), (103, 810+980, positive, human), (104, 808, positive, animal), (105, 630 vs 810, positive, animal), (106, 810, positive, animal), (108, 810, positive, human RCT).

Carpal Tunnel, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - (153, 808 vs 860, positive, human RCT), (154, 780-830, neutral, human RCT), (155, 810, positive, human RCT).

Circulation, Arterial Retenosis - (185, 808, positive, human RCT), (186, 808, positive, human RCT), (187, 808, positive, human RCT), (188, 808, positive, human RCT), (189, 808, positive, human), (190, 808, positive, human).

Dermatology, Radiation Dermatitis - (210, 808+905, positive, human RCT), (211, 808+905, positive, human RCT), (212, 660+805, positive, human), (213, 808+905, positive, human).

Infections, COVID-19 - (264, 805+905, positive, human RCT), (265, 808+905, positive, human), (266, 808+905, positive, human).

Muscle, Exercise-Related Health Improvements - (364, 808, positive, human RCT), (365, 808, positive, human RCT), (366, 808, neutral, human RCT).

Muscle, Spasticity - (382, 808, neutral, human), (383, 808, positive, human),  (384, 808, positive, human).

Nervous System, CNS: Bell's Palsy - (386, 808+905, positive, human RCT), (386, 808, positive, human), (387, 810, neutral, human RCT), (388, 808, positive, human), (389, 660+808, positive, human), (390, 808, positive, human).

Oral, Aphthous Stomatitis - (447, 810, positive, human RCT), (448, 810, neutral, human), (449, 809, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Dentin Hypersensitivity - (480, 808, positive, human RCT), (481, 808, positive, human), (482660+810, positive, human RCT), (483, 660 vs 808, positive, animal), (484, 808, positive, human RCT), (485, 810, neutral, human RCT), (486, 808, positive, human RCT), (487, 810 vs 1,064, positive, human RCT), (488, 808, positive, human), (489, 810, positive, human RCT), (490, 810, positive, human RCT), (491, 810, positive, human RCT), (492, 810, positive, human), (493, 810+2,780, positive, human RCT), (494, 810, positive, human RCT), (495, 808, positive, human RTC), (496, 810, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Endodontics: Postoperative Symptoms - (508, 660+808, negative, human RCT), (509, 808, positive, human RCT), (510, 808, positive, human RCT), (511, 808, positive, human RCT), (512, 808, neutral, human RCT), (513, 809, positive, human RCT). 

Oral, Mastication - (529, 808, positive, human), (530, 808, positive, human), (531, 810, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Nerves: Inferior Alveolar - (535, 808, positive, human RCT), (536, 808, positive, human), (537, 810, positive, human), (538, 810, positive, human), (539, 808, neutral, human), (540, 810 vs 980, positive, animal), (541, 660+808, positive, human), (542, 660+808, neutral, animal), (543, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (544, 810, positive, human RCT), (545, 632+810, neutral, human RTC), (546, 810, positive, human RCT), 

Oral, Oral Mucositis - (551, 660 vs 810 vs 660+810, positive, human RCT),  (552, 660 vs 810+980, positive, human RCT), (553, 810, neutral, human RCT), (554, 635+815, positive, human), (555, 810, negative, animal), (556, 660 vs 810+980, positive, animal), (557, 660 vs 808, positive, human RCT), (558, 660 vs 660+808, positive, human RCT), (559, 660 vs 808, positive, human), (560, 635+808+660, positive, animal), (561, 660 vs 810 vs 980 vs 1064, positive, animal), (562, 660 vs 810 vs 980 vs 1064, positive, animal), (563, 660 vs 808, neutral, human).

Oral, Orthodontics: Pain - (578, 808, positive, human RCT), (579, 808, positive, human), (580, 808, positive, human RCT), (581, 808+10,600, neutral, animal), (582, 808, positive, human RCT), (583, 810, positive, human RCT), (584, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (585, 810, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Periodontium: Surgical Treatment  - (647, 808, positive, human RCT), (648, 810, neutral, human RCT), (649, 810, positive, human).

Pain, Back Pain (744, 808, positive, human RCT), (745, 808, positive, human RCT), (746, 810+980+1064, positive, human), (747, 810, positive, human), (748, 808, positive, human), (749, 810, positive, human RCT).

Penetration, Brain - (774, 808, positive, animal), (775, 660 vs 808 vs 940, positive, human), (776, 671 vs 808, positive, human), (777, 405 vs 532 vs 589 vs 658 vs 810 vs 830, positive, human).

Wound Healing, Burns (Clinical) - (865, 808, positive, human), (866, 655+808, positive, human), (867, 650+660+810, positive, human).


Some Evidence: 1-2 Human Studies Either 100% Positive Or 50-50% Positive/Neutral

Brain, Anxiety - (77, 808, neutral, human RCT), (78, 810, positive, human).

Brain, Cerebral Palsy - (92, 810, positive, human).

Brain, Circulation - (93, 810, positive, human).

Brain, EEG - (109, 810, positive, human RCT)

Brain, Parkinson's Disease - (124, 810+904, neutral, human), (125, 660+670+810+850, positive, human), (126, 670+810, positive, animal), (127, 808, positive, in vitro), (128, 808, positive, animal), (129, 730+808, positive, animal), (130, 810, positive, in vitro).

Circulation, Stem Cells In Blood - (199, 808, positive, human).

Cosmetic Medicine, Body Contouring (202, 450+630+808, positive, human), (203, 810, positive, human RCT).

Dermatology, Herpes Labialis - (206, 808, positive, human RCT).

Dermatology, Herpes Zoster - (207, 810+980, positive, human).

Dermatology, Onychomycosis - (209, 650+810+915, positive, human).

Dermatology, Scars - (214, 806, positive, human), (215, 805, positive, human), (216, 780-1,400, positive, in vitro), 

Dermatology, Sensitive Skin - (217, 480-3,400, positive, human).

Hair, Androgenetic Alopecia - (234, 660+808, positive, human RCT).

Heart, CABG Surgery - (252, 810, positive, human RCT).

Heart, Heart Failure - (253, 808, neutral, human RCT).

Heart, Myocardial Infarction - (254, 808, neutral, human RCT), (255, 808, positive, animal), (256, 804+810, positive, animal), (257, 810, positive, animal).

Kidney, Chronic Kidney Disease - (306, 810, positive, human RCT).

Lymphatic System, Lymphedema - (309, 810+908, positive, human RCT), (310, 808+905, positive, human RCT).

Mechanisms, Original Research (LLLT Mechanisms) - (311, 808, positive, in vitro), (312, 810, neutral, animal), (313, 800 vs 810 vs 850 vs 1064, positive, human RCT), (314, 450 vs 635 vs 808, negative, in vitro), (315, 650+808+1,064, positive, in vitro), (316, 400 vs 450 vs 525 vs 660 vs 740 vs 810 vs 830 vs white light, positive, in vitro), (317, 810+980, positive, in vitro), (318, 810, positive, in vitro), (318, 808, positive, in vitro), (319, 810, positive, in vitro).

Muscle, Exercise: Cycling - (335, 810, positive, human RCT), (336, 810, positive, human RCT).

Muscle, Exercise: Running - (341, 810, positive, human RCT), (342, 810, positive, human RCT).

Nervous System, Brachial Plexus Injury - (385, 808, positive, human RCT).

Nervous System, Diabetic Neuropathy - (392, 655+808, positive, animal), (393, 810+980, positive, human RCT), (394, 808, positive, animal), (395, 808+905, positive, human).

Oncology, Human Research - (426, 808+905, positive, human).

Oral, Anesthesia Duration - (444, 810, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Anesthesia Injection Pain - (445, 808, positive, human RCT), (446, 810, positive, human RCT), 

Oral, COVID-19 / Oral Symptoms - (465, 660+808, positive, human).

Oral, Dental implants: Peri-Implantitis - (467, 810, positive, human).

Oral, Dental Implants: Postoperative Complications - (468, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (469, 470+525+620+680-760+800-835, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Endodontics: Pulpal Anesthesia - (514, 810, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Dysgeusia - (503, 660+808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Endodontics: Endodontic Surgery - (507, 810, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Graft-Versus-Host Disease - (524, 660+850 vs 810, positive, human).

Oral, Lichen Planus - (525, 810, positive, human), (526, 808, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Mandibular Trauma - (528, 810, positive, human).

Oral, Molar-Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) - (532, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Mucus Extravasation Cyst - (533, 810, positive, human).

Oral, Nerves - (534, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Oral surgery: Free Gingival Graft - (564, 808, positive, human RCT), (565, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Oral Surgery: Semilunar Coronally Advanced Flap - (567, 810, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Oral Surgery: Widman Flap - (568, 810, human RCT, positive), (569, 810, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Orthodontics: Functional Appliances - (571, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Orthodontics: Gingival health - (572, 810, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Orthodontics: Implants / Miniscrews - (573, 808, positive, human RCT), (574, 660+808, positive, human RCT), (575, 810, positive, animal).

Oral, Orthodontics: Temporomandibular Joint - (599, 808, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Palatal Burn Injury - (639, 808, positive, human), (640, 810, positive, human).

Oral, Periodontium: Papilla Defects - (646, 810, positive, human).

Oral, Ulcers - (733, 808, positive, human), (734, 810, positive, human).

Pain, Anesthesia (Regional) - (743, 808, positive, human RCT).

Pain, Knee Pain - (750, 810, positive, human RCT),

Pain, Myofascial - (751, 810, neutral, human) (752, 808+940, positive, human).

Penetration (Depth In Tissues) - (769, 810+904, positive, human), (770, 810+904, positive, human), (771, 810+904, positive, animal), (772, 808 vs 980, positive, animal), (773, 810, positive, animal).

Respiratory System, Asthma - (798, 810, positive, animal), (799, 810, positive, animal), (800, 808, positive, human).

Respiratory System, Rhinosinusitis - (809, 810, positive, human), (810, 810+940, positive, human).

Tendons, Patellar Tendinopathy - (852, 810, positive, human RCT).

Tenons, Tennis Elbow - (853, 810+980, positive, human RCT).

Wound Healing, Chronic - (871, 810, positive, human).

Wound Healing, Diabetic Foot Ulcer - (872, 808, positive, human RCT), (873, 808, positive, human).


Insufficient Or Neutral Or Conflicting Evidence - Therefore Not To Be Included In The Other Categories Of Human Evidence

Brain, Cognitive Performance - (94, 810, neutral, human), (95, 810, negative, animal), (96, 810, positive, animal), (97, 660 vs 810, positive, animal).

Brain, Concussion - (98, 810, neutral, human), (99, 810, positive, animal).

Brain, fMRI - (113, 810, negative, human RCT), (114, 810, positive, human).

Brain, Metabolism - (115, 810, negative, animal), (116, 810, positive, animal), (117, 808, neutral, human).

Brain, Motor Function - (119, 808, neutral, human RCT).

Brain, Multiple Sclerosis - (120, 808, negative, human RCT), (121, 808, neutral, human), (122, 808, positive, animal).

Brain, Schizophrenia - (135, 630+810, negative, human RCT), (136, 630+808+980, positive, human).

Circulation, Endothelium - (193, 808, neutral, human RCT), (194, 808, positive, in vitro).

Circulation, Reynaud Syndrome - (195, 808+905, neutral, human).

Hearing, Tinnitus - (245, 660+808, negative, human RCT), (246, 630+808, neutral, human), (247, 810+1,064, positive, human RCT), (248, 808, neutral, human), (249, 810, negative, human RCT).

Joints, Osteoarthritis - (273, 658+810, positive, human), (274, 660+808, positive, human RCT), (275, 808+905, neutral, human), (276, 808, positive, animal), (277, 808, positive, human RCT), (278, 808, positive, human RCT), (279, 808, positive, animal), (280, 808, negative, human RCT), (281, 808, positive, human), (282405+658+810, neutral, human), (283, 808, neutral, human RTC), (284, 808, neutral, human RCT), (285, 808, positive, animal), (286, 808, positive, human RCT), (287, 808, positive, animal), (288, 808, positive, animal), (289, 808, positive, animal), (290, 808, positive, human RCT), (291, 808, positive, animal), (292, 810+890, positive, human), (293, 808, positive, animal), (294, 807-811, positive, in vitro), (295, 808 vs 904, positive, animal), (296, 808, positive, animal), (297, 808, positive, animal), (298, 810 vs 808+905, positive, human RCT), (299, 660 vs 808, positive, animal), (300, 810, positive, animal).

Muscle, Exercise: Resistance exercise - (337, 808, negative, human RCT), (338, 808, neutral, human RCT), (339, 808, neutral, human).

Muscle, Exercise: (340, 808, negative, human RCT), (343, 808, negative, human RCT), (344, 808, neutral, human RCT), (345, 905+640+875 vs 810 vs 980, neutral, human RCT), (346, 810, neutral, human RCT), (347, 810, neutral, human RCT), (348, 810+980, positive, human RCT), (349, 810, neutral, human RCT), (350, 808, neutral, human RCT), (351, 808, positive, human RCT), (352, 808, neutral, human RCT), (352, 810, positive, human RCT), (353, 808, negative, human RCT), (354, 808, neutral, human RCT), (355, 808, neutral, human RCT), (356, 808, positive, human RCT), (357, 810, positive, human RCT), (358, 810, positive, human RCT), (359, 810 vs 660+850, negative, human RCT).

Muscle, Sarcopenia / Muscle Function In Aging - (380, 808, neutral, human RCT), (381, 810, positive, animal).

Nervous System, Cranial nerves: Zygomatic Trauma - (391, 810, negative, human).

Nervous System, Spinal Cord - (406, 810, positive, animal), (407, 810, positive, animal), (408, 810, positive, human), (409, 808, positive, animal), (410, 810, positive, animal), (411, 810, positive, animal), (412, 810, positive, animal), (413, 808, neutral, human), (414, 810, positive, animal), (415, 808+905, positive, animal), (416, 808, positive, animal+in vitro), (417, 808, neutral, human RCT), (418, 810, positive, animal), (419, 808, positive, animal), (420, 808, positive, animal), (421, 808, positive, animal), (422, 808, positive, animal), (423, 810, positive, animal), (424, 810, positive, animal).

Oncology, Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy - (425, 808+905, neutral, human RCT).

Oncology, Supportive Care - (428, 808, positive, human).

Oral, Bleaching - (450, 808, negative, human RCT), (451, 808, positive, animal), (452, 808, neutral, human RCT), (453, 660+808, neutral, animal), (454, 808, positive, human RCT), (455, 810 vs 980, positive, ex vivo), (456, 808, neutral, human RCT), (457, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (458425-480+810, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Burning Mouth Syndrome - (461, 810, positive, human RCT), (462, 810, positive, human RCT), (463, 808, neutral, human), (464, 815, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Dental Implants: Stability - (470, 630+808, neutral, human RCT), (471, 808, negative, human RCT), (472, 808, negative, human RCT), (473, 808, neutral, human RCT), (474, 808, negative, animal), (475, 626 vs 810, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Dry mouth (Xerostomia / Hyposalivation) - (498, 808, positive, human RCT), (499, 660+808, positive, human), (500, 660+810, negative, human RCT), (501, 808, negative, human RCT), (502, 808, positive, human).

Oral, Endodontics: Pulpotomy Success Rate - (515, 660+810, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Lips - (527, 808, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Nerves (Multiple) - (548, 808, positive, human).

Oral, Oral Surgery: Gingivectomy / Gingivoplasty - (566, 810, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Oral Surgery: Orthognathic Surgery - (570, 808, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Orthodontics: Inflammation - (576, 808, neutral, animal), (577, 810, neutral, human).

Oral, Orthodontics: Tooth Movement - (600, 808, positive, human RCT), (601, 810, positive, human RCT), (602, 808, negative, human RCT), (603, 810, positive, animal), (604, 810, neutral, human RCT), (605, 808, neutral, animal), (606, 808, positive, human RCT), (607, 810, positive, human RTC), (608, 810, neutral, human RCT), (609, 810, positive, human RCT), (610, 810, positive, animal), (611, 810, positive, animal), (612, 810, positive, animal), (613, 810, neutral, human RCT), (614, 808, neutral, animal), (615, 808, positive, human RCT), (616, 810, positive, human RCT), (617, 810, neutral, human RCT), (618, 810, positive, human RCT), (619, 810, positive, animal), (620, 810, positive, animal), (621, 810, neutral, animal), (622, 808, neutral, animal), (623, 810, negative, human RCT), (624, 808, positive, human RCT), (625, 808, neutral, animal), (626, 810, positive, animal), (627, 808, neutral, animal), (628, 808, positive, animal), (629, 809, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Osteonecrosis - (630, 808, positive, animal), (631, 660+808, positive, human), (632, 650+810+910, positive, human), (633, 660+808, positive, human), (634, 808, positive, human), (635, 660+808, positive, human), (636, 660+808, positive, human), (637, 810, positive, human), (638, 808, positive, human).

Oral, Pericoronitis - (641, 660 vs 808 vs 1064, neutral, human RCT).

Oral, Periodontium: Chronic Periodontitis - (642, 810, positive, human RCT), (643, 808, negative, human RCT), (644, 810, neutral, human RCT), (645, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - (678, 808, positive, human RCT).

Oral, TMD - (684, 810, positive, human), (685, 660+808, positive, human), (686, 808, positive, animal), (687, 810, negative, human RCT), (688, 808, positive, human RCT), (689, 808, negative, human RCT), (690, 808, positive, human RCT), (691, 808, positive, human), (692, 810, positive, human RCT), (693, 808, neutral, human RCT), (694, 808, neutral, human RCT), (695, 810, positive, human RCT), (696, 810, negative, human RCT), (697, 808, positive, human RCT), (698, 810, positive, human RCT), (699, 810, negative, human RCT), (699, 815, negative, animal).

Oral, Tooth Extraction - (700, 808, positive, human RCT), (701, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (702, 810, positive, human RCT), (703, 660+808, neutral, human RCT), (704, 810 vs 940, neutral, human), (705, 810, positive, human RCT), (706, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (707, 660 vs 808, positive, animal), (708, 808, positive, human RCT), (709, 808, positive, human RCT), (710, 810, positive, animal), (711, 632+810, positive, human RCT), (712, 660 vs 660+810, negative, human RCT), (713, 808, positive, human RCT), (714, 808, positive, human RCT), (715, 810, neutral, human RCT), (716, 810, positive, human RTC), (717, 810, negative, human RCT), (718, 808, neutral, human), (719, 660 vs 808, negative, human), (720, 660+810, positive, human RCT), (721, 810, negative, human RCT), (722, 810, negative, human RCT), (723, 652 vs 808, negative, human RCT), (724, 810, positive, human RCT), (725, 808+1064, positive, human), (726, 808, positive, human RCT), (727, 810, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Trauma / Fractures - (728, 808, negative, human RCT), (729, 660+808, positive,  human RCT), (730, 810, positive, human RCT), (731, 808, negative, human RCT).

Oral, Trismus (From Radiotherapy) - (732, 808, positive, human).

Pain, Pelvic - (757, 810+980, positive, human), (758, 808, negative, human RCT), (759, 808, negative, human RCT), (760, 810+980, neutral, human).

Pain, Shoulder - (761, 810+980, negative, human RCT).

Pain, Surgical - (762650+804, positive, human RCT).

Pain, Trigeminal Neuralgia - (763, 810, neutral, human RCT).

Surgury, Bariatric surgery - (836, 808, positive, human RCT).

Surgury, Knee Arthroplasty - (837, 808, positive, human RCT).

Syndromes, Gulf War Illness - (839, 810, positive, human).

Tendons, Achilles Tendon - (841, 810+980 vs 810+980, neutral, animal), (842, 810+980, neutral, human RCT), (843, 808, positive, animal), (844, 810, positive, animal), (845, 808, positive, animal), (846, 810+980, neutral, human RCT), (847, 810, positive, ainmal), (847, 810, negative, human RCT), (848, 810, positive, animal), (849, 810, neutral, animal), (850, 810, negative, human RCT).

Wound Healing, Pressure Ulcer - (894, 606+808, positive, animal), (895, 658 vs 808 vs 940, neutral, human RCT), (896, 658 vs 808 vs 940, neutral, human RCT).

Wound Healing, Venous Ulcer - (899, 810, negative, human RCT).



Strong Evidence For Health Harm: 3+ Human Studies With 65%+ Negative Outcomes

Note: please do read the studies associated with the topic to understand the context. It's doubtful that 810nm includes a stroke or causes muscle fatigue. The studies probably concern recovery after a stroke that's not improved by 810nm light. I cannot be responsible for giving commentary on almost 900 studies. Hence, it's your responsibility, the reader, to click on the studies and read them to understand the context. Don't draw conclusions based on these studies without having read them.

Brain, Stroke - (137, 808, negative, human RCT). (138, neutral, human RCT), (139, 808 neutral, human RCT), (140, 808, positive, animal+in vitro), (141, 808, positive, animal), (142, 808+905, positive, in vitro), (143, 810, positive, animal), (144, 810, positive, animal), (145, 808, positive, animal), (146, 808, positive, animal), (147, 750+810+950, positive, animal), (148, 808, positive, animal), (149, 808, positive, animal), (150, 808, positive, animal), (151, 808, positive, animal), (152, 808, positive, animal).

Muscle, Muscle Fatigue - (369, 660+808, negative, human RCT), (370, 808, neutral, human RCT), (371, 405 vs 532 vs 808, positive, animal), (372, 808, negative, human RTC).

Oral, Orthodontics: Root Resorption - (593, 808, negative, human RCT), (594, 810 vs 850, negative, human RCT), (595, 810, positive, animal), (596, 808, positive, human RCT), (597, 810, positive, animal), (598, 808, negative, animal).



805-815nm Animal Study Evidence Outcomes (Mostly The 808 & 810nm Wavelengths)

I'm fully aware of the philosophical differences that exist regarding animal-based research. I believe that animal-based research offers lots of value in absence of human studies but I'm aware not everyone agrees here.

Some people ignore all evidence unless multiple RCTs with humans are available. If you're such a person, just ignore this section. If you do consider animal research very valuable like me, then enjoy: 


Stong Animal Study Evidence: 3+ Animal Studies Available And 65%+ Positive:

Bone, Repair - (4; 810, positive, animal), (5; 808, positive, animal), (6; 808, positive, animal), (7; 808, positive, animal), (8, 630+810; neutral, animal); (9, 808, positive, animal), (10; 808, negative, animal); (12; 808; positive, animal), (13; 808, positive, animal), (14; 630+810, positive, animal), (15, 810, positive, animal), (16; 808, positive, animal), (17; 808, positive, animal), (18, 808, positive, animal), (19, 808, positive, animal), (20, 808, negative, animal), (21, 808, neutral, animal), (22, 808, positive, animal), (23, 808, positive, animal), (24, 808, positive, animal), (25, 808, positive, animal), (26, 808, positive, animal), (27, 808, positive, animal), (28, 810, positive, animal), (29, 808, positive, animal), (30, 810, positive, animal), (31, 810, positive, animal), (32, 808, positive, animal), (33, 808, positive, animal), (34, 808, positive, animal), (35, 780v810, neutral, animal), (36, 810, positive, animal), (37, 808, animal, positive), (38, 660+808, positive, animal), (37, 808, positive, animal).

Bone, Implants - (39, 810, positive, animal), (40, 808, positive, animal), (41, 808, positive, animal).

Brain, Aging - (62, 810, positive, animal), (63, 810, positive, animal), (64, 810, positive, animal).

Brain, Epilepsy - (110, 808, positive, animal), (111, 808, neutral, animal), (112, 808, positive, animal).

Hearing, Hearing Loss - (238, 808, positive, animal), (239, 808, positive, animal), (240, 808, positive, animal), (241, 808, positive, animal), (242, 808, positive, animal), (243, 808, positive, animal).

Joints, Arthritis - (267660 vs 808 vs 905, neutral, animal), (268, 808, positive, animal), (269, 660 vs 808 vs 905, neutral, animal), (270, 810, positive, animal), (271, 810, positive, animal), 

Muscle, Exercise (Preclinical) - (360, 808, positive, animal), (361, 808, positive, animal), (362, 808, positive, animal), (363, 808, neutral, animal).

Muscle, Muscle Injury - (373, 808, positive, animal), (374, 810, positive, animal), (375, 810, positive, animal), (376, 808, positive, animal), (377, 808, positive, animal), (378, 810, positive, animal).

Nervous System, PNS: Sciatic Nerve Injury - (402, 660+808, positive, animal), (403, 660+808, positive, animal), (404, 808, positive, animal). (405, 650+808, positive, animal).

Oral, Orthodontics: RME / Maxillary Expansion - (586, 810, positive, animal), (587, 810, neutral, animal), (588, 810+830, positive, animal), (589, 808, positive, animal), (590, 810, animal, positive), (591, 810, positive, animal), (592, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Periodontium (Animal) - (650, 810, positive, animal), (651, 660 vs 808, positive, animal), (652, 810, positive, animal),  (653, 810, positive, animal), (654, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Salivary Glands - (674, 808, neutral, animal), (675, 808, positive, animal), (676, 810, positive, in vitro), (677, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Tooth Replantation - (679, 660+808, positive, animal), (680, 660 vs 808, positive, animal), (681, 810, positive, animal), (682, 810, positive, animal).

Pain, Neuropathic - (753, 808, positive, animal), (754, 810, positive, animal), (755, 808+905, positive, animal), (756, 808, positive, animal), (756, 808, positive, animal+in vitro),

Respiratory System, Lung Injury (From LPS) - (801, 635+808, positive, animal), (802, 808, positive, animal), (803, 808, positive, animal), (804, 808, positive, animal).

Respiratory System, Lung Injury (In Sepsis) - (805, 808, positive, animal), (806, 808, neutral, animal), (807, 808, positive, animal), (808, 808, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Burns (Preclinical) - (868, 810, positive, animal), (869, 808 vs 810, positive, animal), (870, 532 vs 633 vs 810 vs 980, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Diabetic (Preclinical) - (874, 808, positive, animal), (875, 808, positive, animal), (876, 808, positive, animal), (877, 810, positive, animal), (878, 670+810, negative, animal), (879, 808, positive, animal), (880, 532 vs 633 vs 810 vs 980 vs 510-872 vs 10,600, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Excision (Secondary Intention) - (881, 808, positive, animal), (882, 808 vs 880 vs 1,064, neutral, animal), (883, 808, positive, animal), (884, 808, positive, animal), (885, 808, neutral, animal), (886, 808, positive, animal).


Insufficient Or Neutral Or Conflicting Animal-Based Evidence: 

Adipose Tissue (Fat), Lipolysis - breaking down fats (1; 810; neutral; animal), 

Bone, Metabolism - (2; 808, negative, in vitro), (3; 808, positive, animal).

Bone, Osteomyelitis - (55, 808, positive, animal).

Bone, Osteoporosis - (56, 807, positive, animal), (57, 808 or 830?, positive, animal).

Brain, Neuronal Morphology - (123, 810, positive, animal).

Bone, Cell Proliferation - (38, 810, positive, in vitro).

Brain, Postoperative Neurocognitive Disorder - (131, 810, positive, animal).

Brain, PTSD - (132, 808, negative, animal), (133, 808, positive, animal), (134, 808, positive, animal).

Cells, NItric Oxide - (167, 808 vs 1064+1270, in vitro, positive), (168, 447 vs 532 vs 635 vs 808, positive, in vitro), (169, 660 vs 808, positive, in vitro), (170, 635 vs 785 vs 808 vs 905, neutral, animal).

Circulation, Arteries - (191, 810, positive, animal)

Circulation, Atherosclerosis - (192, 660+808, positive, animal).

Circulation, Thrombocytopenia - (201, 810, positive, animal+in vitro).

Dermatology, Dermal Abrasion - (205, 635 vs 730 vs 810 vs 980, positive, animal).

Dermatology, Skin Neuropeptides - (219, 470+660 vs 660+808, neutral, animal).

Diabetes Mellitus, Glycation - (222, 810, neutral, animal), (223, 810, neutral, animal).

Diabetes Mellitus, Glycemia - (224, 808, positive, animal)

Diabetes Mellitus, Intravenous irradiation - (225450+532+638+808, positive, animal), (226, 450 vs 532 vs 638 vs 808, positive, animal),

Eyes, Corneal Injury - (226, 810, positive, animal).

Gastroenterology, Microbiome - (229, 660 vs 808, neutral, animal).

Hearing, Auditory Neuropathy - (236, 808, positive, animal).

Hearing, Stem Cells (244, 808, positive, animal).

Immunity, Lymphocytes - (260, 532 vs 633 vs 650 vs 810 vs 1300 vs 1520, positive, animal+in vitro).

Joints, Joint Immobilization - (272, 810, positive, animal).

Joints, Rheumatoid Arthritis - (301, 808, positive, animal), (302, 808, positive, animal), (303, 810, positive, ex vivo), (304, 810, positive, in vitro).

Joints - (305, negative, animal).

Ligaments, ACL Injury - (307, 808, positive, animal).

Liver, Liver Regeneration - (308, 804+810, positive, animal).

Muscle, Muscle Atrophy - (367, 808, positive, animal+in vitro), (368, 808, positive, animal), 

Muscle, Myopathy - (379, 808, positive, animal).

Nervous System, Peripheral Neuropathy - (398, 808, positive, animal).

Nervous System, PNS: Median Nerve Injury - (400, 808 vs 905 vs 808+905, positive, animal).

Nervous System, PNS: Peroneal Nerve (401, 810, positive, animal).

Oncology, Safety - (427, 660+810, positive, animal).

Oncology, Tumor Growth - (443, 405+635+808, positive, animal+in vitro).

Oral, Bone Repair - (459, 810, positive, animal), (460, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Development - (497, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Endodontics: Apexogenesis (505, 810, positive, animal).

Oral, Endodontics: Dentin Formation / Pulp Repair - (506, 810, positive, animal).

Oral, Nerves: Mental - (547, 808, positive, animal).

Oral, Oral Mucosa - (549, 810, negative, animal).

Oral, Oral Mucosal Ulcer - (550, 808, neutral, animal). 

Oral, Teeth - (683, 810, positive, animal).

Oral, Wound Healing: Excision - (735, 810 vs 940, positive, animal). 

Oral, Wound healing: Palatal Wounds - (736, 808, positive, animal+in vitro)

Oral, Wound Healing - (737, 810, positive, animal).

Pancreas, Type I Diabetes - (740, 805, positive, animal).

Pain, Acute (741, 810, positive, animal), (742, 810, positive, animal).

Penetration, Spinal Cord - (780, 810, positive, animal), (781660+810+980, positive, animal).

Penetration, Thermal Effcts - (783, 635+808, positive, in vitro), (784, 808, positive, animal), (785, 810+904, positive, in vitro), (786, 810, positive, animal), (787, 809, positive, in vitro).

Radiation, Gamma Radiation - (789, 808, positive, animal). 

Reproductive System, Erectile Function - (790, 808, positive, animal).

Reproductive System, Ovary - (792, 630 vs 810, positive, animal).

Reproductive System, Sperm - (793, 810, positive, in vitro), (794, 630+810, positive, in vitro), (795, 808, negative, animal).

Reproductive System, Testicle - (796, 808, negative, animal), (797, 670 vs 808, positive, animal).

Safety Of PBM/LLLT, Spinal cord - (812, 810, positive, animal).

Safety Of PBM/LLLT - (813, 660 vs 808, negative, in vitro), (814, 808, positive, animal), (815, 808, positive, animal), (816, 810, positive, in vitro).

Spinal Column, Hemilaminectomy - (817, 810, positive, animal).

Spinal Column,  Thoracolumbar Disk Extrusion - (818, 808+905, neutral, animal).

Sponges (Porifera), Chondrosia Reniformis - (819, 810, positive, animal).

Surgury, Skin Flap - (838, 810, positive, animal).

Tendons, Achilles Tendon (+ Tibial Nerve) - (840, 660 vs 808, neutral, animal).

Tendons, Digital Flexor Tendons - (851, 808+905, positive, animal).

Toxins, Wasp Venom - (854, 810, positive, animal).

Veterinary Medicine, Dogs: Dermatitis - (856, 808, positive, animal)

Veterinary Medicine, Dogs: Diarrhea - (857, 808+980, positive, animal)

Veterinary Medicine, Dogs: Osteoarthritis - (858, 980 vs 808+980, positive, animal)

Veterinary Medicine, Horses: Injuries - (859808+980, positive, animal)

Veterinary Medicine, Horses: Pain - (860, 810, neutral, animal)

Veterinary Medicine, Horses: Tendinopathy - (861, 635+660+810+980, positive, animal).

Worms, Earthworm: Dendrobaena veneta - (863, 808, positive, animal), (864, 808, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Immunosuppressed Animals - (887, 810, positive, animal), (888, 810, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Incision (First Intention) - (889, 810, neutral, animal), (890, 810, negative, animal), (891, 635 vs 809, neutral, animal+in vitro), (892, 808, positive, animal), 

Wound Healing, Infected Wounds - (893, 635 vs 808, neutral, animal).

Wound Healing, Surgical Wounds - (897, 810, positive, animal).

Wound Healing, Tattoo Removal Wound - (898, positive, animal). 


Animal-Based Evidence For Health Harm: 3+ Studies With 65% Or More Negative Outcomes

 - None, which is very surprising. Check my statements in the advanced comments section to learn more.


In Vitro Studies 

Below I've added in vitro studies. I know these aren't the most valuable in medicine but I've added them anyway for completeness' sake. This way you can judge all evidence for yourself.

 Also, for the medicine nerds: a few ex vivo and in vivo studies also included here.


Exclusive In Vitro Evidence Available With 3+ Studies And 65%+ Positive:

Bone, Osteoblasts - (42, 810, positive, in vitro and rats), (43, 808, positive, in vitro), (44, 637 vs 660 vs 808, positive, in vitro), (45, 630 vs 810, positive, in vitro), (46, 808, positive, in vitro), (47, 808, positive, in vitro), (48, 808, positive, in vitro), (49, 808, positive, in vitro), (50, 635 vs 809, neutral, in vitro), (51, 808, positive, in vitro), (52, 808, neutral, in vitro).

Cells, Energy Metabolism - (159, 808, positive, in vitro), (160, 415 vs 540 vs 660 vs 810, positive, in vitro), (161, 652+810, positive, in vitro), (162, 810, positive, in vitro), (163, 808, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Protection - (176, 810, positive, in vitro), (177, 810, positive, in vitro), (178, 652+806 vs 637+901, positive, in vitro), (179, 808, positive, in vitro), (180652+806 vs 637+901, positive, in vitro), (181, 810, positive, in vitro).

Circulation, Red Blood Cells - (196, 808+905, positive, in vitro), (197, 810, positive, in vitro), (198, 810, neutral, in vitro).

Immunity, Macrophages (261, 650+808, positive, in vitro), (262, 810, positive, in vitro), (263, 810, positive, in vitro).

Micro-Organisms, Protozoa: Paramecium - (326, 808vs980, positive, in vitro), (327, 808, positive, in vitro), (328, 808, positive, in vitro), (329, 808, positive, in vitro), (330, 808, positive, in vitro).

Oncology, Tumor Cells - (430, 660+810+940, positive, in vitro), (431, 808, positive, in vitro), (432, 610+630+810, neutral, in vitro), (433, 808, neutral, in vitro), (434, 808, positive, in vitro), (435, 585+626+810+850+950, positive, in vitro), (436, 808+905, positive, in vitro), (437, 810, negative, in vitro), (438, 808, positive, in vitro), (439, 808, positive, in vitro), (440, 808, positive, in vitro), (441, 809, negative, in vitro), (442, 805, positive, in vitro).

Oral, Dentin - (476660 vs 810, neutral, in vitro), (477, 810, positive, in vitro), (478, 660 vs 810, positive, in vitro), (479, 808, positive, in vitro).

Oral, Endodontics (In Vitro) - (516, 808, positive, in vitro), (517, 808, neutral, in vitro), (518, 808, positive, in vitro), (519, 810, positive, in vitro), (520, 808, positive, in vitro), (521, 810, positive, in vitro), (522, 810, positive, in vitro), (523, 660+810, positive, in vitro). 

Oral, Periodontium (In Vitro) - (655, 810 vs 940, neutral, in vitro), (656635 vs 660 vs 808 vs 980, positive, in vitro), (657, 660 vs 810 vs 980 vs 660+810 vs 810+980, neutral, in vitro), (658, 635 vs 660 vs 808 vs 980, positive, in vitro), (659, 660+808, positive, in vitro), (660, 808, positive, in vitro), (661, 635+808, positive, in vitro), (662, 810, positive, in vitro), (663, 808, positive, in vitro), (664, 400+450+525+660+740+810+830+white, neutral, in vitro), (665, 810+1064, positive, in vitro), (666, 810+940, negative, in vitro), (667, 808, positive, in vitro), (668, 810, positive, in vitro), (669, 805, positive, in vitro), (670, 809, positive, in vitro), (671, 809, positive, in vitro), (672, 810, negative, in vitro), (673, 810, negative, in vitro).

Stem Cells & Regeneration, Adipose-Derived Stem Cells - (820, 630+810, positive, in vitro), (821630 vs 633 vs 810 vs 630+810, positive, in vitro), (822, 808, positive, in vitro)

Stem Cells & Regeneration, Bone Marrow Stem Cells - (823, 805, positive, in vitro), (824, 808, positive, in vitro), (825, 808, positive, in vitro), (825808+905, neutral, in vitro).


Insufficient Exclusive In Vitro Evidence (Not Included In Categories Above Or Below)

Bone, Osteoclastogenesis - (53, 810, positive, in vitro), (54, 810, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Autophagy - (157, 808, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Cell Membrane - (158, 808+905, positive, in vitro).

Brain, Blood-Brain Barrier - (79, 808, positive, in vitro).

Brain, Microglia - (118, 808, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Apoptosis - (156, 808, neutral, in vitro).

Cells, Fibroblast Function - (164, 625+808, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Microtubules - (166, 810, in vitro, positive).

Cells, Olfacory Enseating Cells - (171, 810, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Proliferation - (172, 810, positive, in vitro), (173, 625 vs 635 vs 645 vs 655 vs 665 vs 675 vs 810, neutral, in vitro), (174, 808+905, neutral, in vitro), (175, 812, positive, in vitro).

Cells, ROS - (182, 810, positive, in vitro).

Cells, Scratch Wound Model - (183, 655+808, positive, in vitro).

Circulation, Angiogenesis - (184, 650 vs 808, positive, in vitro).

Eyes, Glaucoma - (228, 810, positive, in vitro).

Gene Expression - (230, 660 vs 808, positive, in vitro),

Gene Expression, ATM And Pt3 - (231, 660 vs 808, neutral, in vitro).

Gene Therapy, Adenoviral Gene Transduction - (232, 808, positive, in vitro).

Gene Therapy, Transfection Efficiency - (233445 vs 685 vs 810 vs 970, positive, in vitro).

Hair, Hair Growth - (235, 808, positive, in vitro)

Hearing, Cells - (237, 808, positive, in vitro).

Hearing  (250, 810, positive, in vitro), (251, 810, positive, in vitro).

Immunity, Dendritic Cells - (258, 810, positive, in vitro).

Immunity, Fibroblasts - (259, 808+905, positive, in vitro).

Micro-Organisms, Amoeba: Distyostelium Discoideum - (320, 808+980, positive, in vitro)

Micro-Organisms, Bacteria: E. Coli - (321, 660+808, neutral, in vitro), (322, 660+808, neutral, in vitro).

Micro-Organisms, Bacteria: Multiple Strains - (323, 810, neutral, in vitro), (324, 810, neutral, in vitro), (325, 630 vs 660 vs 810 vs 905, neutral, in vitro).

Micro-Organisms, Yeast: Candida - (331, 808+905, positive, in vitro).

Muscle, Cell Viability - (332, 810+980, neutral, in vitro).

Muscle, Energy Metabolism - (333, 808+980, positive, in vitro), (334, 810, positive, in vitro).

Nervous System, In Vitro - (396, 808, positive, in vitro), (397, 810, positive, in vitro).

Nervous System, PNS: In Vitro - (399, 810, positive, in vitro).

Oncology, Tumor Cells + Chemo - (429, 610+630+810, positive, in vitro).

Oral, Dental Implants: In Vitro - (466, 810, positive, in vitro).

Oral, Enamel - (504, 810, positive, ex vivo).

Pancreas, Islets - (738, 810, positive, in vitro), (739, 630 vs 810, positive, in vitro).

Parameters, Original Research - (764, 670 vs 810, neutral, in vitro).

PDT Papers With PBM Aspects, Cancer - (765, 808, neutral, in vitro), (767, 660+810, positive, in vitro) 

PDT Papers With PBM Aspects, ClAlPc/NE (768, 660 vs 810, positive, in vitro).

Penetration, Dental - (778, 808, positive, in vitro).

Penetratoin, Occlusive Dressing - (779, 660+808, positive, in vitro).

Penetration, Teeth - (782450 vs 650 vs 810 vs 980, positive, in vitro).

Safety Of PBM/LLLT, Brain cells - (811, 808, positive, in vitro).

Stem Cells & Regeneration, Neural Differentiation - (826, 810 vs 980, positive, in vitro), (827, 635 vs 808, neutral, in vitro).

Stem Cells & Regeneration, Osteogenesis - (828,655+808, positive, in vitro), (829, 635+809, neutral, in vitro), (830, 485 vs 532 vs 660 vs 810, positive, in vitro), (831, 405 vs 635 vs 808, positive, in vitro), (832, 808, positive, in vitro), (833, 808, negative, in vitro), 

Stem Cells & Regeneration, Epithelial Colony Forming Units - (834, 810, positive, in vitro).

Stem Cells & Regeneration, (835, 633+810, positive, in vitro), (836, 810, positive, in vitro).

Uncategorized, Liposomes - (855808 vs 905neutral, ex vivo).

Wavelengths, Blue & Green - (862, 420 vs 540 vs 660 vs 810, positive, in vitro).



Exclusive In Vitro Evidence Available With 3+ Studies And 65%+ Negative:

 -- None (which is surprising). I venture into this topic in the next section though:



Advanced Comments On The Outcome Of These 808/810nm Wavelength Of Red Light Therapy Studies

In this section, I'm digging deeper into some advanced comments based on the outcome of this cheat sheet. You'll need a bit more medical research background to understand these comments. But here we go - for the nerds among us:

  • I didn't separate human and human RCT research. For the best results and if time allows, I might update this article. Methodically it would be slightly better to give Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) a higher ranking than regular human research.
  • No systematic reviews were included either. There's a good reason for that as this study aims to be a sort of systematic review of all the published literature on this topic of wavelengths.
  • The 65% positive and 65% cutoff points aren't justifiable on hard logic, of course. Higher or lower percentages both come with their upsides and downsides, as each scientist can imagine, just like the p-value in scientific research and power analyses.
  • Creating the "perfect" categories is really difficult and could be even more granular. For instance, what happens when human research shows these wavelengths are beneficial while animal research shows there is no benefit? Once more, there is no easy answer here!
  • If a study is positive or negative, you cannot tell why at first value. Some outcomes would be beneficial or detrimental if other treatment parameters were used, such as a lower or higher power output in mW/cm2, a longer treatment time, or a pulsed instead of a continuous laser. This document only shows what studies are positive not why that is the case.
  • The fact that there are no negative animal and in vitro studies published can have several reasons. For instance, there can be publication bias or researchers might no longer investigate topics after they've found one published negative study emerges. Another explanation for this outcome is how Vladimir Heiskanen categorizes the outcomes of these studies as either positive, neutral, or negative.
  • Some studies are included that aren't entirely relevant. Examples are in vitro research in candida and safety studies of red light therapy and/or LLLT. I included them anyway to assure you that all studies between the 805-815nm wavelength interval have been included.
  • I've removed studies with polychromatic light. An example here is an incandescent light bulb that emits light from the UV range all the way to the far infrared range - very little light is emitted at the 805-815 range there.
  • I'm aware of the differences in the interpretation of wavelengths across researchers. Right now, I believe that 810nm has significantly different effects from 830nm, for instance. But some researchers in the field think that the effects of 808 or 810nm light are roughly the same as 850nm. I don't fall in the latter camp.
  • I understand that this amount of information is somewhat overwhelming. And yet, it makes me happy to know that people can finally see the complexity of this topic. So anytime you see any website stating that 810nm has benefit for skin health, brain disease such as Alzheimer's, and athletic performance, they are grossly oversimplifying. Of course, I understand that companies need to market and sell products and that customers don't care about extremely complex information but if you're a nerdy person like me, you also want to offer customers the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
  • I haven't ventured into the topic of how wavelengths interact or overlap. For instance, can you get similar effects from 830nm light as from 810nm light? I'll have to check more comparison studies on wavelengths to answer here. I doubt the effects of wavelengths so far apart strictly overlap, but I could be wrong, as some companies in the red light therapy space now claim that the effects of all red and all near-infrared wavelengths are roughly the same. 
  • I'd love to learn what you think about this cheat sheet. Should Alex and I make more of these sheets? Or, should it be done differently and exclusively use human research? Or would you rather know the status of the animal research too? As someone with a Master's degree in health science, I'd rather have animal studies presented to me too, because I think they are valuable - although not as valuable as human research. But, adding animal and in vitro studies is far more time-consuming, I get that.
  • Let me know what you think in the comment section below! I'm aware that other remarks by me on the science or the philosophy of science could be added here!


Best 808/810nm Wavelength Panels

Below I've listed the best red light therapy panels that use high proportions of the 808/810nm wavelengths. 

The data is compiled based on the datasheet Alex created from his red light therapy reviews - discount code ALEX saves on almost all of these:

Again, discount code ALEX saves you on most of these as well.

If you're only concerned about brain health, check Alex's Vielight review. You can buy a Vielight on their website and use discount code ALEX10 for 10% off. Some Vielight products, such as the Neuro Alpha or Gamma or Duo emit 100% 810nm light into the brain. These are highly recommended if you're focusing on brain-specific benefits that I've mentioned earlier, such as opioid addiction or dementia.

As for red light therapy panels, the LightpathLED or MitoADAPT panels are probably best if you want a huge chunk of light emitted in the 808/810nm region.

I highly recommend the products listed above if you want to use 808/810nm to the maximum extent. I assume that if you use panels that emit only 830nm and 850nm, you won't get the benefits I consider in this blog post. That principle should be relatively easy to understand although there is sicentific cdebate on that topic.


Conclusion: The 808nm And 810nm LLLT Wavelengths Have Strong Medical Merit

I hope you enjoyed my very detailed showcase of all of the effects of 808/810 nm wavelengths within red light therapy. If there is substantial interest in this topic, Alex and I can probably justify creating more cheatsheets for different wavelengths, such as 630, 660, 670, 830, 850nm, and other wavelengths.

Hopefully, after scanning this blog post, you'll also understand how complicated this science is. Whenever someone asks you "what 808nm does" or "what the benefits of 810nm light are", the answer is highly complicated. If a company tells you X wavelength has Y benefits and only a few are listed, you can be assured they cherry-picked the data. Cherry-picking isn't always wrong, with marketing, we need to create an easy-to-understand message, but it's not the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Nevertheless, despite its complexity, I hope this cheatsheet on the 808nm and 810nm wavelengths gives you new insight into the benefits of red light therapy! Now, if someone asks what 810nm does, I can finally send them the full answer... 


Items Mentioned:


This is a post by Bart Wolbers of team AlexFergus. Bart finished degrees in Physical Therapy (B), Philosophy (BA and MA), Philosophy of Science and Technology (MS - with distinction), and Clinical Health Science (MS), has had training in functional medicine, and is currently a health consultant at AlexFergus.com.   



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